Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mathematics and Labradors and Books, Oh My!

Two days from now I'll be at orientation for nursing school. Tonight, I am entrenched in a mathematics battlefield with my eleven year-old son. He is in tears. And yelling at me. A lot. I can feel my blood pressure in my eyeballs. So, it's high, right? I guess I'll find out soon enough. My husband is being incredibly patient and helpful, and is somehow able to make 6th grade math make sense for my son when I feel like my eyeballs are about to burst out of my head. And, he doesn't seem to think I'm being a bad mom. God bless him.

Earlier today I bought my packet of books for the semester to the tune of $773.25. I honestly thought it would be more books. I feel like I've seen my friends' stacks of books when they started nursing school, and it looked like the Tower of Babel. Just reaching on into Heaven. I'm not fooling myself into thinking this is going to be easy, but my stack just isn't that intimidating. Here's Pepper (one of the four labradors I live with (does anybody want to buy a labrador?)) making a cameo with all my books:       


The sink is full of dishes, but helping the sixth-grader really took it out of me. I'm boycotting the rest of my responsibilities. So, we put the math away for the night, and as my son was climbing into bed he announced that one of the dogs had puked in his room. Of course it did. 

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